
class wpilib.SampleRobot[source]

Bases: wpilib.RobotBase

A simple robot base class that knows the standard FRC competition states (disabled, autonomous, or operator controlled).

You can build a simple robot program off of this by overriding the robotinit(), disabled(), autonomous() and operatorControl() methods. The startCompetition() method will call these methods (sometimes repeatedly) depending on the state of the competition.

Alternatively you can override the robotMain() method and manage all aspects of the robot yourself (not recommended).


While it may look like a good choice to use for your code if you’re inexperienced, don’t. Unless you know what you are doing, complex code will be much more difficult under this system. Use IterativeRobot or command based instead if you’re new.


Autonomous should go here. Users should add autonomous code to this method that should run while the field is in the autonomous period.

Called once each time the robot enters the autonomous state.


Disabled should go here. Users should overload this method to run code that should run while the field is disabled.

Called once each time the robot enters the disabled state.

logger = <logging.Logger object at 0x7fa1bb7606a0>

A python logging object that you can use to send messages to the log. It is recommended to use this instead of print statements.


Operator control (tele-operated) code should go here. Users should add Operator Control code to this method that should run while the field is in the Operator Control (tele-operated) period.

Called once each time the robot enters the operator-controlled state.


Robot-wide initialization code should go here.

Users should override this method for default Robot-wide initialization which will be called when the robot is first powered on. It will be called exactly 1 time.


It is simpler to override this function instead of defining a constructor for your robot class


Robot main program for free-form programs.

This should be overridden by user subclasses if the intent is to not use the autonomous() and operatorControl() methods. In that case, the program is responsible for sensing when to run the autonomous and operator control functions in their program.

This method will be called immediately after the constructor is called. If it has not been overridden by a user subclass (i.e. the default version runs), then the robotInit(), disabled(), autonomous() and operatorControl() methods will be called.


Start a competition. This code tracks the order of the field starting to ensure that everything happens in the right order. Repeatedly run the correct method, either Autonomous or OperatorControl when the robot is enabled. After running the correct method, wait for some state to change, either the other mode starts or the robot is disabled. Then go back and wait for the robot to be enabled again.


Test code should go here. Users should add test code to this method that should run while the robot is in test mode.